Click on the “hamburger logo” at the top left of your screen:
The following screen will appear, click on “settings”:
The language is now set to “English (United States). By selecting this option you can set your preferred language. This will be retained the next time you log in.
You can only add new employees if you have the role of “Company Admin”. Without this role it is not possible to add new employees. You can find out how to check your role here: <link> to find out how to add a new employee, please refer to this article <link>.
Step 1: Click on your initials at the top right of your screen.
Step 2: Click on “my account” in the submenu.
Step 3: Enter your current password under heading 1. Current password.
Step 4: Enter your new password under heading 2. New password (optional).
Step 5: To save your changes, click on Update my account at the bottom right.
You deposit your company logo during registration with MYOBI. When your logo changes, you can contact the service desk to change your logo.
The password must be at least 7 characters long and contain at least 1 special character from the following sequence: (~! @ # $% ^ & * () _ + = – `{} [] |:; ‘,.?; /).