Yes, the services of lawyers and chartered accountants and IT Auditors from Duthler Associates and lawyers from First Lawyers can be used. Use the button in MYOBI: “need support” or send an email to the service desk.
Yes, the services of lawyers and chartered accountants and IT Auditors from Duthler Associates and lawyers from First Lawyers can be used. Use the button in MYOBI: “need support” or send an email to the service desk.
All data is imported from the Chamber of Commerce Trade Register.
The electronic identity and representation authority of your partners, for example (potential) customers and suppliers, is determined and the partner is responsible for the reliability of company and personal data. Your partner pays nothing.
Yes, the professionals of the MYOBI Standardisation Board (SB) manage the baselines. The baselines are related to legislation and generally accepted references from supervisors, audit firms and IT Auditors.
There is an outline development agenda that is periodically consulted for further system development. We are happy to take into account your functional wishes and facilitate you to put them forward. One of the wishes is access to more authentic source holders and another is to be able to manage the register of powers.